Preparing for your golden years.
According to a March 2016 Time.com article based on a GoBankingRates survey, 33% of all Americans report they have absolutely no retirement savings. Only 23% have at least $10,000 put away. A whopping 74% admit they have less than $100,000 saved for their retirement.
Average life expectancy in the U.S. is 77 for men and 82 for women, and average lifespan is increasing. You’re going to have to provide income for yourself (and your spouse, if applicable) for 14 years or longer, once you retire. Unfortunately, you will not be able to count solely on Social Security either.
Bottom line: So, what kind of lifestyle do you want in your post-working years?
Take charge of your retirement plan now.
It’s never too late (or too early) to save for your retirement. We can help you with a number of different Individual Retirement Account (IRA) options:
- If you are changing employers and you have 401(k) money invested, don’t leave it behind. Rolling that money over to one of our IRA products is easy and costs you nothing.
- If your employer doesn’t offer a retirement savings plan, or if you would like to invest more into your retirement than the limits of your current plan, a Traditional or Roth IRA can be opened and funded without any employer participation.
- On The Grid Financial also offers an Accumulative investment option to help you save a little each payday.
- Another option is to open an IRA Certificate that can be opened with a $1,000 minimum investment. Our IRA Certificates come with terms of six months to five years.
Our IRAs are federally insured to at least $250,000 and are backed by the full faith and credit of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. government agency, so you know your money is secure. Find out more information about this guarantee here.
We’ll be happy to speak with you about the options we have available and how they can best benefit you, now and in the future. That’s what being “Right Down The Line” means.